Two Essential Drugs Prescribed For Breast Cancer Patients are Out Of Stock at the Sri Lanka's Only State Run Cancer Hospital The Maharagama Cancer Hospital and Due to this Around Two Thousand Breast Cancer Patients Getting Treatment From the Hospital have to Purchase these Expensive Drugs from the Private Sector Oncologists said Today(08)."Anasterazole" and"Leterazole" the Medicinal Pills Prescribed for Breast Cancer need to take Daily by the patients up to one Month are out of stock these days According to the Oncologists.One Pill from these will cost More than 400 Rupees and Most of the Patients are not able to Afford it Due to the Higher Prices they said. If these Patients are not taken medicine properly there is a Risk of increasing their Cancer they stressed.
Meanwhile Instead of Supplying these Out Of Stock Drugs the Authorities Supplied another Cancer Drug called "Examethazine"to Replace them which is normally not Prescribed for the Breast Cancer Hospital Sources said.But Due to the Strong Side Effects of this Drug Doctors avoid Prescribing of it to the Patients sources further Added.