Tuesday, April 11, 2023

China Eagetly Awaiting Return Of Panda From US Zoo


Local Government Election Postponed Again

 The local government elections  scheduled to be held on 25 th of April has again postponed indefinitely due to the  inadequacy of funds available with the Elections commission to hold the Elections .

This was the second time that the proposed Elections had been postponed due to  inadequacy of funds the Commission had stated.The Elections Commission is due to discuss on fixing a new date  for holding the election .

Four DIG's Transferred To New Service Stations

 Four Deputy Inspector Generals Of Police (DIG)had been  transferred to new service stations according to the Police headquartets .

Accordingly Four DIG 's attached to North Western,North Central,Uva and South had been transferred to new stations.They will asdume their duties in new,stations before Sinhala/Hindu new year .

Two Students Drowned And Dissapeared Whilst Bathing

 Two students had drowned and dissapeared whilst bathing in Walawe river at Balangoda area last evening (11) it has been reported.

Accordingly two students of the ages of 15 and 17years and  residents of  Balangoda area had drowned and dissapeared whilst bathing .

Police officers attached to Balangoda Police had launched a mision to find the missing .