Monday, November 3, 2008

US Presidential Poll Begins- One Hundrad Thirty Million Voters To Cast Votes

At least 130 Million US Voters are expected to cast their votes to day (04) TO Elect Either Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama or the Republican Candidate John Macain to Succeed Current President George W Bush.The voting of the Much Talked about US Presidential Elections will end in the States of Indiana and Kentucky at 6 P.M Eastern Time to day and Other 48 States in Few Hours time.National Opinion Polls Shown that the Democratic Candidate Barack Obama is Clearly Ahead of His Republican Rival John Macain and he will received more than the much needed 270 Electoral Votes.If Obama win the Elections he will became the First Black to Elected as US President after Abrahim Lincoln and if Macain wins it he will became the Oldest US President to Elect for the First Term as US President.also If Macain wins His Deputy Presidential Candidate Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin will became the First Female Deputy President in the USA.

Health Ministry To Computerized Drug Distribution System From Next Year

Ministry Of Health Decided To Computerized the whole Drug Distribution System With the Cost of Rs.350 Million From Next year(2009) to minimizing the Drug Shortages in the State Hospitals.Under this Programme aim is to build a Proper Co-Ordination between the Medical Supplies Division(MSD) The Provincial Drug Stores and the State Hospitals Ministry Official Said Today(03).At Present There is a Poor Co-Ordination Between these Institutions and Due to this Drug Shortages Occures in Hospitals even the Drugs are Available in the MSD and the Provincial Drug Stores he said.

California Collage Cancelled Grad.Ceremony Amodst Anti Gaza Protests