Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sick Note Campaign Of Professions Supplemenary To

Due to the Sick Note Campaign today (18) launched by Government Hospital Professions Supplementary to Medicine(PSM)  (18) OPD Dispensaries,X Ray /CT Scan Units and Path Labs of the Hospitals were closed and thousands of patients were faced enormous difficulties according to Hospital Sources.

As issuing of Drugs To the patients through OPD Dispensaries,Performing of Medical Tests from Path Labs and X Ray/Scan Tests become stand still due to this trade union action authorities  of major government hospitals taken steps to get these services through the private sector sources added..However provincial Hospitals are not able to doing the same as there are no private health institutions near them.

The Government Pharmacists,Radiographers,Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLT),Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists belongs to Professions Supplementary To Medicine launched the sick not campaign demanding solutions for 8 of their service demands.