Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Government Professions Supplementary To Medicine To Launch 3 day Strike Tomorrow

Government Professions Supplementary To Medicine(PSM'S) have decided to launch an island wide three day strike from tomorrow (09) by demanding solutions to 10 of their service demands.the three day strike of government PSM's will commenced on 8 a.m tomorrow till 8 a.m on Saturday(12) according to Joint Council Of Government Professions Supplementary To Medicine.

The PSM'S compromising government pharmacists,radiographers ,medical laboratory technologists(MLT's),Physiotherapists and occupational therapists are launching this strike demanding 10 of their service demands including granting overtime,accidental and extra payments,granting communication allowance to PSM's,recruiting unemployed PSM  Graduates to state sector and implementing delayed promotions of grade 1 PSM  officers.

Due to humanitarian reasons PSM'S  attached to Castle Street Women's Hospital,De Soyza Maternity,Sirimavo Bandaranaike memorial children's hospital,cancer hospital,maharagama and blood bank will not participating tomorrow strike according to Joint Council.