Munche Lemon Puff Biscuits Imported From Switzerland which Earlier Identified as Contaminated with the Chemical "Malamine"now Cleared from that Of fence and Removed It from the Banned List Of Food Items which Contained "Malamine" Director General Of Health Services Dr.Ajith Mendis says in a Press Release Issued on Last Friday.A Day Before Dr.Mendis Issued a Circular and Instructed Authorities to Remove Sixty Milk And Milk Products Which are Contaminated With "Malamine" including the Munche Lemon Puff Biscuits from the Market.Munche Lemon Puff with Real Lemon Flavor as it Mentioned in the Ad found not contaminated with the Chemical "Malamine" in a Test Carried out By the National Health Authority Laboratory in Singapore According to the Health Ministry Press Release.
It is not Clear How can a Food Item Earlier Identified as Contaminated with "Malamine"later Cleared in the Malamine Test.How ever EDNA Chocolate Company was Unfortunate in this as even their Chocolates which are made from using Chinese Milk Powder Cleared by the Ministry Of Health from the Malamine Test but faced a Temporary Ban for Issuing Chocolates to the Market.
Consumer Protection Authority has taken a Separate Sample from the Chinese Milk Powder which EDNA Company is using to Produce Chocolates and sent to Test whether they are Contaminated with "Malamine" and till Receiving the test Report Court has ordered the EDNA Chocolate Company to avoid of Issuing Chocolates to the Market.