Friday, October 6, 2017


Number Of Elderly Population Over 60 Years In Sri Lanka To Be Increased By Nearly 2 Million In 2037-UNFPA Report

The current number of elderly population  over 60
years old living in Sri Lanka  will be increased by nearly 2 million (7.5%) in 2037 according to the latest report issued by United Nations Fund For Population Activities (UNFPA) yesterday (06).

Accordingly the current elderly population of over 60 years in Sri Lanka 3,130,740 (14.6% of the current population) will be increased to 5,118,094 (22.1%) in 2037 which is a 103 percent increase recorded within a 25 year time period the report has stated.

It is expected that the elderly population over 60 years in the country will increase more than the child population  under 15 years in the country by 2032.

The main reasons behind the increase of elderly population in the country are decline in fertility and mortality,the increase in life expectancy which is accompanied by the socio-economic developments of the country the report has further revealed.

The UNFPA report has been launched in a ceremony held at Hotel Cinamon Gra`nd in Colombo last morning (06) and a open debate on the ageing population has been held at the event.

Twenty Eight Persons Arrested Over Obstructive Behaviour In Hambanthota Protest Have Been Remanded

Hambanthota Magistrate court has remanded the 28
persons arrested yesterday (06)over obstructive behaviour in front of the Indian consular office in Hambanthota during a protest held to oppose the selling of Mattala Airport and Hambanthota Magampura port to foreign countries until 16th of October.

The suspects have remanded after being produced before the court.

Police have fired tear gas and water canons to disperse the  protest organized by Joint opposition. 


Drone Shows Huge Rohingya Refugee Camps

All Taxes Imposed On Agri Equipment Will Be Removed-President Sirisena

In view of making  the" National food production
War"a successful one government will remove all the taxes imposed on imported Agricultural technical equipment according to president Maithripala Sirisena.

Accordingly all taxes imposed on Agri equipment including  water pumps and tractors will be removed soon and the prices of these equipment will be reduced as a result of it president has stated after commencing the National food production war in kekirawa this morning (06).



Colombo High Court Has Imposed A Life Time Imprisonment On A Person For Keeping Heroin In His Possession

Colombo High Court has today (06)imposed a life time
imprisonment on a person who found guilty for keeping 10 grammes and 43 mili grammes of Heroin in his possession today (06).

Colombo High Court judge Piyadasa Ranasinghe has imposed the life time imprisonment on the suspect who had been arrested by the Police narcotics bureau officials on 30th of june 2011 at Kelaniya.

The accused is a resident of Kelaniya area.

Police Have Arrested A Teacher With A Stock Of Liquor Bottles And Beer Cans

Police have arrested a teacher on discipline attached
to leading school in Anuradhapura with a stock of liquor bottles and Beer cans hideen in his rest house in Old kandy road,Anuradhapura yesterday (05).

The suspected Teacher hideen 18 bottles of Liquor and eight Beer cans inside his rest house in view of selling them for higher prices  to the consumers without a license it has been revealed.

The Teacher who is a resident of Kurundankulama area had been released on bail after being produced before the Anuradhapura Magistrate Court.He is due to be produced before the court again on 11 th of October,

Landslide Warnings Have Been Issued To 11 Areas In Ratnapura District

Landslide warnings have been issued to 11 grama
niladari divisions of Ratnapura District today (06)by the authorities due to the heavy showers prevailing it has been reported.

Accordingly Landslide warnings have been  issued to Vilegoda, Asganngula.,Bopatte,Mahara, Thalavitiya, Deyyagala ,Arapola,Karandana North,Karandana West , Kalatuwawa west and makota Grama niladari divisions .

Foreign-Baby Sleep Positioners Dropped Sales After Death Warning


House Holders Of 1.3 Million House Holds In The Country Are Women-UNFPA

According to a latest survey carried out in the island it
has been revealed that out of the 5.3 million house -holds in the country house holders of  1.3 million house-holds are women the United Nations Fund For Population activities (UNFPA) has stated through their latest report .

Accordingly among the total number of female heads of house-holds 53.3 percent are married,34.6 percent are widows and 7.4 percent are never married.

Over 60 percent of female heads are under 60 years old and 20 percent are below 40 years old the report has stated.Around 7 percent  of these female heads have no schooling and 27 percent have only primary education.

Employment among female heads is below 35 percent as estate sector has employed 52 percent of female heads the report said.

The large number of female headed house-holds highlights the need for policy and legal reforms to address discriminatory laws and practices in land inheritance that both disadvantage women and hinder economic productivity.

The report was officialy launched today (06)during a ceremony held in Cinamon Grand Hotel in Colombo.


Divulapitiya Crimes OIC Arrested Over A Death Of A Prisoner Has Been Remanded

Related imageThe Crimes Division OIC of Divulapitiya Police who had been arrested yesterday (05) over a suspicious death of a prisoner in Negambo Prison arrested by the Divulapitiya Police  until 10th of October after being produced before the Negambo Magistrate Court today(06).

Another three Police officers including the OIC attached  to the Divulapitiya Police have been transferred to Paliyagoda Police station over the prisoner's death which was declared as a death occurred as a result of a multiple internal injuries by the Judicial Medical Officer who conducted the post mortem of the deceased.

Colombo High Court Imposed A Ten Year Rigorous Impriosnment On A Former Assistant Regional Manager Of State Timber Corporation

Image result for court orderColombo High Court has imposed a ten year rigorous imprisonment on a former Assistant Regional Manager of a State Timber Corporation office in Bindunuwewa ,Bandarawela arrested over accepting a Rs.100,000 bribe from a Businessman to issue Timber Logs .

Colombo High Court Judge Gihan Kulathunge has also imposed a Rs.10,000 fine on the accused former Assistant Regional Manager and ordered him to pay the Rs.100,000 accepted as a bribe from the Businessman as a fine.

However the Judge has released the Regional Manager of the State Timber Corporation Bindunuwewa office who was charged over encouraging the accused former Assistant Manager to take the bribe ,from all charges.


Police Have Arrested Six Persons Over Excavating A Place With Historical Value

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Special Police task force personal have yesterday(05) arrested six persons who had been involved in excavating a  place with historical value in Beralihela ,Thissamaharamaya in view of hunting a treasure .

The suspects are residents of Thissamharamaya area.

A large number of equipment including religious goods have also been taken into custody during the raid.

Police Fired Water Canon And Tear Gas Against The Protesters At Hambanthota

Image result for hambantota joint opposition protest
Police have used water canon and tear gas to disperse the protestors participated in a protest march organized by the Joint Opposition Group against selling Mattala International Airport and  Hambanthota.Magampura  Harbor and other state institutes to foreign countries ,when the protesters attempting to break road barricades and march towards the Indian Consular office in Hambanthota this noon(06).

Police have earlier fired water canon to prevent  the protesters from entering the Indian Consular Office and later fired tear gas  and dispersed the protesters as they attempting to break the barricades it has been revealed.

The Hambanthota Magistrate Court has issued a court order on Wednesday(04) against he organizers of the protest Parliamentarians Namal Rajapakshe and D.V Chanake preventing holding of  a protest in front of the Indian Consular office and blocking the road.

Police have also arrested 26 protestors acted in an obstructive manner during the protest.Around 04 police officers have been injured during the protest .

Although the Joint Opposition has stated that the government is trying to sell the Mattala Airport and Magampura Harbor .Government has stated that the both institutes are due to hand over to India and China respectively for lease  .