Monday, August 24, 2009

A Plot To Assasinate Sri Lankan Defense Secretary Revealed

A Guerrilla Type Of Planned Attack to Assassinate Sri Lankan Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha was revealed today after the Police recovered Suicide Kits,Greandes and Ammunitions from a Housing Complex at Mutuwal,Modara in the Colombo Suburbs.

According to the Police Spokesman Deputy Inspector General Nimal Madiwaka LTTE which was defeeted by the Army on three Months Back tried to Kill the Defense Secretary by attacking the Ambulance carrying the injured Secretary to the Hospital after the Guerrilla Attack.

Defense Secretary Gotabhaya RAjapaksha survived from a Similar Suicide attack in the year 2006.

Oncology Surgeries At The Karapitiya Hospital Suspended

The major Oncology Surgical Unit of the Southern Province at the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital had been suspended the performing of All Surgeries of the Surgical Unit since this morning due to the transferring of few Nurses to another Unit of the Hospital by the Administration.

These Nurses were transferred to another Unit without informing the Chief Surgeon of the Oncology Surgical Unit according to the Spokesman of the Karapitiya Hospital.Around 2 to 3 Surgeries has been performed at the Unit Daily and due to this suspension of Surgeries the Routine Surgery List was canceled today he further added.

Four Doctors Captured From The No Fire Zone Given Bail

Four Doctors who were arrested for making false statements on Sri Lankan Army during war against the LTTE were released on a Personal Condition Bail by the Colombo Chief Magistrate this morning.Three Medical Officers and a Medical Superintendant were released on condition of apearing before the Vavuniya CID on every last Sunday of the Month.

These Doctors served at the Makeshift Hospitals functioning in the Former No Fire Zone during the War against LTTE charged for giving false Civilian casualty figures for the Local and International Media.They were arrested soon after the Army has been liberated the No Fire Zone from the LTTE while crossing over to the Government held area with the IDP'S.After getting arrested they wee brought to the Colombo Criminal Investigations Unit for further questioning.