Monday, July 27, 2009

Cancer Hospital Nurses To Fall Sick Tomorrow

Nursing Staff of the Sri Lanka's only Government Owned Cancer Hospital at Maharagama is due to launch a Sick note Campaign tomorrow as a move to protest against the Decision of the Hospital Authority to not to accept the Supreme Court Ruling on halting the Transfers of 54 Cancer Hospital Nurses.

Cancer Hospital Nurses today staged a Five Hour Walk out from the Hospital Premises during 8 A.M to 1 P.M today to protest against the Hospital Authorities and this action put Clinics and Patient Care of the Hospital to standstill.Only Emergency Services were maintained during this protest Hospital Sources Revealed.

Colombo Stock Exchange Hits One Year High

Shares at the Colombo Stock Exchange(CSE) hits one year high of 1.31 Percent Up during trading this morning after receiving the news of International Monetary Fund(IMF) approving the 2.6 Billion US Dollars Loan Package to Sri Lanka on last Friday.

Share Market off to a flying start in early morning trade as the ASPI up 43 points in the first 30 Minutes of Trading.

TRC To Ban Mobile Phones Among Private School Children

Telecommunication Regulatory Commission(TRC) going to Ban Private School Children by taking Mobile Phones to their Schools.As an alternative measure Telephone Booths to be set up at the Private School Premises for Children to use in an Emergency Situations.

Mobile Phones are already banned among Government School Children.It has been revealed that School Children getting use to access to Phonographic sites and download Pictures through Mobile Phones.

Two Killed From Train-Van collision

Two Were Killed and Four injured when a Galle bound Train collided with a Van at an unprotected Level Crossing in Maggona area this Evening.The Collided Van attempted to cross the Rail Crossing at the time the Train was Passing by.