Friday, June 13, 2014

Buddagaya Temple Converted To A Colorful Lantern

- The Lantern Portrays Buddhagaya Temple -Pix by Emanthi K Marambe
The Buddagaya Temple worshiped by millions of Buddhists all over the world has built as a tall lantern by the Employee of   Colombo National Hospital Mr.Ranjith Madagedara.the lantern which was made through only by using Cardboard is now displaying at the Colombo National Hospital premises  to mark the  Poson Poya day.

However the creator of this lantern Mr.Madagedera who was attached to the Salary Section of the hospital has suddenly demised on April this year and the son of his had completed  the lantern and displaying it at the  national had taken  10 months to finish this colorful lantern it has been revealed.