Chief Food Inspector of the Colombo Municipal Council Mr.Piyadasa Edirisinha yesterday (16) Destroyed 69 killos of Pre Cooked Curries,Noodles and Rotten Fruits at the Canteen belongs to the Colombo University's Art Faculty.These curries and noodles that were destroyed said to be stored inside the Deep Freezer of the canteen from more then a month and they were heat and given to the Faculty students to eat.
The Public Health Department of the Colombo Municipal Council is decided to take legal action against the Canteen owner of the Arts Faculty in this regard.The Curries that were destroyed including four killos of Spinach,five killos of cabbages, five killos of ash plantains, five killos of different kind of yam,three killos of nokole five killos of coconut sambol,one killo of tomatoes one killo of beetroot.five killos of noodles five killos of Rotten and Raw Tomatoes five killos of plantains and Twenty killos of Rotten papaya also destroyed.The samples of Cooked Rice taken from the Arts Faculty Canteen and the Canteens of the Science and Management Faculties handover to the Laboratory for tests Mr Edirisinha who is conducting investigations in this matter revealed.