Thursday, April 1, 2021
Three Corona Deaths Reported Yesterday (01)
Another three Corona deaths had been reported in the Country yesterday (01) increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 571 according to National Covid -19 Prevention Center .
.Accordingly 02 Males and a Female resided at Katugasthota ,Ehaliyagoda and Panadura areas had died due to the Covid Pneumonia and complications of the non communicable diseases they have suffered from as a result of the Corona infection ,
The deceased were of the ages 80,85 and 83 years .
Eight Persons Of A Same Family Had Been Tested Positive For Corona Virus In Bagawanthlawa
Accordingly the Father of the family had been tested positive for Coronavirus after admitting him to Dikoya Base Hospital to treat for a Heart attack and when getting checked 07 of his family members including his wife and children had been rested positive for virus ,At present All the members of that family are being quarantined it has been revealed ,
Grades 7 And 8 Of The Colombo Ananda Collage Had Been Closed Down Due To A Corona Positive Teacher
Around 70 School Children and Teachers both in classes and the hostel were identified as the close contacts of the Corona positive teacher and "PCR " tests were performed on them yesterday (01) according to the Health Officials .
All grades of the Schools in Western Province had been opened since last Monday (29) after closing them few months back due to the Corona spread .
Three Females Were Killed Due To The Three Wheeler -Lorry Collision
Three females were killed And the Three wheeler driver had been critically injured after a Lorry had toppled over the Three wh eeler they were travelling in at Lokuwanguwa area in Haggala,Nuwara Eliya last noon (01)according to Police .
three females travelled in a Three wheeler of the ages 20,51,and 52 years were killed on the spot when the lorry came behind the three wheeler toppled over the Three wheeler. The critically injured Three wheeler driver had been admitted to Nuwara Eliya hospital for treatment .
The Lorry driver who was responsible for the incident had fled away from the scene and the Nuwara Eliya police had arrested the Lorry assistant over the incident .Nuwara Eliya police are conducting an investigations over the incident .
The Commonwealth Business Forum has inaugurated today (12) by president Mahinda Rajapaksha at Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo with the par...
A Motor Bicycle Rider was critically Injured and Hospitalized due to another underworld type shooting incident occurred at Delgaha Junction...