All Eastern Provincial Doctors who are moved to Colombo and other security locations citing fear of their Life following the Assassination of their Colleague by Unidentified Persons agreed to Report Back to Work by this sunday(23) after the Health Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva Promised them To Day(20)To Provide Adequate Security,Transport Facilities and a Rupees One Million worth Life Insurance for each of the Doctors.At a Meeting held in the Health Ministry Premises Today between the Health Minister and Around Hundred Eastern Provincial Docs, Minister Promised to Provide Much Needed Security and ask them to report to work Immediately without crippling the Hospital Services in the Eastern Province further.After the fifty eight sinhalese Doctors of the Batticaloe District Moved to the Security Locations Last Monday some Doctors attached to the Hospitals in Trincomalee,Vavuniya and Kalmunai too moved to Security locations.