Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ministry Of Health To Display Drug Prices In Front Of The Hospitals

Health Ministry has decided to display the Prices of an  Essential Drugs used in Government Hospitals in front of those Hospitals with the effect from 01st  of January next year.This aim to make patients and the Health Officials aware on the Prices of an essential Drug Items according to the Ministry Of Health.

Sri Lankan President Delivered His Speech At The United Nations

Delivering his Official speech at the 65th Session of the United Nations Assembly in New York today Sri Lankan  President Mahinda Rajapaksha has said that His Government defeated the most ruthless Terrorist Organization which terrorized the Civil Society few decades and now the Country is heading towards Development.President also stressed that Sri Lanka is hoping to enter amongst the Best 30 Business Countries in the World by the year 2014.

President further said that  Sri Lanka achieved  Most of the Millennium Development Goals set up by the United Nations Organization before the deadline.

Provincial Health Ministers Warned Shortage Of Doctors May Resulted The Closure Of More Than 18 Hospitals

Several Provincial Council Health Ministers today complained to the Health Minister Maithrepala Sirisena that more than 18 Provincial Council run Hospitals are to be shut down soon due to not having a Single Doctor.

Addressing a Provincial Health Minister's Forum held at the National Blood Centre in Narahenpita,Colombo this morning  the Provincial Health Minister of the North Central Province Pahala Wijerathna Bandara said that more than 10 Hospitals in his Province facing a shut down due to not having a single doctor and several other Hospitals in the Province are running through the Doctors attached to the Main Hospitals of the Province due to the lack of Doctors.

There is a severe shortage of other Medical Professionals too at the Provincial Hospitals he stressed.He also said that this situation occurred  due to the delay of approving the Cadre of Medical Professionals for  the Provincial Hospitals.Speaking in the occasion the Health Minister and the Chief Minister of the Southern Provincial Council Shan Wijayalal de Silva has said that 08 Hospitals in the Matara District of the Province also facing a shut down due to not having a single doctor.He also stressed that the Operation Theaters of the Alpitiya Base Hospital in the province which has developed with the cost of Rs.500 Million were shut down since sometime back due to the shortage of Medical Professionals.

The Provincial Health Ministers of the Sabaragamuwa and the Eastern Provincial Councils too made similar remarks on the Shortage of Medical Professionals of their Provincial Hospitals.

Meanwhile the Deputy Director General of Health Services (Medical Services)Dr.Wimal Jayantha has said that the present cadre of Doctors are enough to cater the needs of the Patient treatment in the Government Hospitals and out of the 16,171 Doctors needed for the year 2010 ,9577 doctors are to be recruited for the Provincial Council Hospitals.

At the Conclusion the Health Minister Maithrepala Sirisena has urged the Provincial Health Ministers to submit a detailed report on the shortage of Medical Professionals in their Hospitals by  07th of October.