The President of the Public Services Nurses Union(PSNU) Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero is due to take legal action against the media spokesman of the Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) Dr Navin Soyza by demanding Rs.500 million Compensation for making Defamatory Statements against him.Ven.Muruththettuwe Thero who is also the Chief Incumbent of the Western Province had already instructed his lawyers to file a defamatory case against the GMOA Media spokesman who said to be used abusive language against the thero during a press briefing held on last July.
Earlier Muruththettuwe Thero who is leading the Sri Lanka's largest Nurses Union(PSNU) has sent a legal notice to the GMOA Media spokesman Dr.Soyza to pay Rs.500 million as a compensation within two weeks time for making the defamatory statements against him.As the accused
has not responded to the notice Muruththettuwe Thero has instructed his lawyers to file a case in Supreme Court against the GMOA Media spokesman.