The Neuro Surgical Patients and the staff of the Sri Lanka's Major Government Hospital the colombo national hospital are facing enormous difficulties due to the broke down of several several million rupees worth neuro surgical machines in the hospital including the MIR scanning machine,the Angio gram and all the cratiotome machines use for cutting the surgical point.
Due to this the MRI and Angio gramme Tests of the neuro surgical patients of the national hospital are done through the private sector.
Around 4500 surgeries are performed in Colombo national hospital annually and it is higher then in some of the hi/technical hospitals in United kingdom.
Therefor not taking any measures to repair these machines from long time is unacceptable according to the Hospital Sources.the MRI Scan machine is broken due to the problem of it's tube and four Cratiotome machines were broken a month back and Neuro surgeons are now cutting the point of the surgery from hand used equipment which is harder to do doctors said.
C.T Scan Machine in the neuro surgical unit is also prone to break regularly due to the overload of the scan tests performed through that machine they stressed.when contacted Hospital Director Dr.hector weerasinha said that the repairing of MRI Scan Machine is due to finish tomorrow but he is not informed on breaking down of other machines in neuro surgical unit