Saturday, February 15, 2014

Minor Fire At New Military Headquarters

A minor fire broke out in the new military headquarters under construction at Palawatta,Battaramulla was doused by the fire brigade this evening.the fire was broke out in two buildings belongs to the military headquarters sources said.

No injuries has been reported from the incident.

Fourteen Medical Administrators Refrained From Accepting Their Annual Transfers

Around 14 out of 21 Annual Transfers given to the local Medical Administrators with effect from 01st of February  have  not  been implemented yet according to Health Ministry sources .The sources said that the main reason behind this situation is due to some administrators wants to remain in the places they are currently in .

Health Ministry Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake has issued a circular last week requesting  all provincial health //health institution heads to release all the transferred medical administrators without a delay .