Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Symbolic Last Gun Shots Fired To The Mulativue Seas To Mark The End Of Terrorism

Symbolic last Gun Shots were fired into the Mulativue Seas in Northern Sri Lanka by the Jubiliant Armed Forces little while ago to Mark the end of LTTE Terrorism in the Country.

Thousnds of Troops who are involved in the Military Offensives against the LTTE participated along with their Superiors to witness this Event.

After the Gun Shots fired Troops were Shouted Independance Slogans.

World' Most Dangerous Terrorist Leader Died As A Coward-Sri Lankan Army

World's Most Dangerous Terrorist Leader Valupillai Prabhakaren was not wearing or having a Cyanide Capsule a Symbol of LTTE Cadres used to Commit Suicide when captured Sri Lankan Army Sources said today.

He is the one who put a Cyanide Capsule around the Neck of his Cadres but He Himself not having a one as predicted by Pro LTTE Supporters Sources Stressed.A person who ordered to kill Thousands of Innocent Civilians in the South to fullfillng his Dream of Creating a Seperate State in Northern Sri Lanka died like a Coward when a Brave Sri Lankan Soldier Shot at Him Army Sources further added.

At the final moment LTTE Leader only had Two Security Guards and his Private Pistol, Identity Card,Tag and Sattalite Phone were with him.

Bodies Of The Eight LTTE Leaders Including Sea Tiger Leader Soosai Found From The Battlefield

The Bodies of Another Eight LTTE Leaders were identified today including the Body Of Sea Tiger Leader Soosai.Altogether Bodies of the 475 LTTE Cadres who were killed during the Last Battle were recovered from the Battle Field according the Sri Lankan Army Sources.

The Identified Bodies are that of LTTE Leaders Soosai,Verti,Ram Kumar,Komali,Annathurai,Rangan and Vinodan.

Along with these Cadres Two Female Bodies Suspected to be that of LTTE Leader Prabhakaren's Wife Madivadini and Daughter Dwaraka's too found Sources said.However Earlier Reports said that LTTE Leader's Wife was captured and his Daughter is in Abroad.