Monday, July 13, 2015
You have come to me from a distant land, Dreamer of dreams, to fill my hearts desire, Sweet music flowing from your nimble hand That plays within... to light my passion's fire. A symphony of word and thought you bring. Excitement builds upon crescendo's sound, Brought forth in tones to make my light heart sing For all the beauty that, with you, I've found. A life is changed in just an instant's time, All darkness fled before that brillaint sun That shines from spoken words of softest rhyme And speaks of treasures, only just begun. This mystic meeting gives my heart a glow That few have seen and only you will know
Court Of Appeal Has Extended Stay Order Against The Circular that Banning Full Face Hemets

The Police Department has issued a circular that banning the wearing of full face helmets as studies have revealed that
most of the crimes including bank robberies and shootings in the country have done by an individuals wearing full face helmets.
Accepting Of Nominations For The Forthcoming Election Was Concluded

President To Stay Away From Election Campaign-Prime Minister Wikramasinghe

The prime minister Ranil Wikramasinghe when interviewed by the "The Hindu" paper of India has stated that as the president was elected to office on 08th of January this year as a neutral president of the country he should have not taken part in the election campaign of United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) which he is chairing.
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The Commonwealth Business Forum has inaugurated today (12) by president Mahinda Rajapaksha at Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo with the par...
A Motor Bicycle Rider was critically Injured and Hospitalized due to another underworld type shooting incident occurred at Delgaha Junction...