Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha says that Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty One(6,261) Sri Lankan Soldiers Sacrificed their lives while engaged in Liberating North and Eastern Provinces held by LTTE Rebels.Twenty NineThousand Five Hundred Fifty(29,551) One Got injured during the Operations and Another Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Six(2556) were Disabled.
ATotal number of Twenty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety (23790) Security Personnel were Sacrificed their Lives since 1981 while engaged in Offensives to Eradicate Terrorism from the Motherland Defense Secretary reveals during an Interview with State Own National T.V Channel Rupavahini.
Meanwhile it has been reported that around 22,000 LTTE Cadres were killed by the Sri Lankan Troops during the Ealam War of LTTE and 625 alone during the Last Battle on Monday.