Monday, August 30, 2021

WHO Sri Lanka supports Sri Lanka’s COVID-19vaccination drive with supply of 2 million syringes

 In its continued effort to support Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 response, WHO has provided 2 million syringes urgently needed for the on-going vaccinations. These were delivered in two consignments, the first arrived on 13th August and the second last evening. 

Dr Alaka Singh, WHO Representative to Sri Lanka stated “at this critical time, WHO values the collaboration extended by donors for the COVID-19 response. WHO appreciates the volume and, importantly, the flexibility of funding which means we can be more responsive to country needs. This procurement is a case in point whereby we have been able to make a critical contribution to Sri Lanka’s ambitious vaccination drive through priority procurement of syringes. Moreover,
the reinforcing longer-term perspective of the partnership with donors allows us to build towards sustainable recovery with MoH leadership. For example, combining the provision of essential supplies with further assistance to our frontline health workers, including support on psychosocial well-being”.

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