Friday, April 26, 2019

Security Forces Have Recovered Bodies Of 18 Persons Includes Suicide Bombers And Children In And Outside Of A House In Kalmunai

Security forces have recovered 15
bodies including t03  bodies believes to be that of suicide bombers in and outside of a house at Seindumaridu ,Kalmunai(Eastern Province)during a search operation carried out there last night(26).

Accordingly bodies of 03 men ,,03 females and 06 children had been  found inside the house and bodies of  03 suicide bombers had been found outside the house .

Forces have hospitalized  a critically injured female and a child found inside the house.

Security in the area had strengthened according to Police Media spokesman's office.

A police Constable in the area first received an information that a group of terrorists residing in a house at Senindumaridu area and after informing his higher officers on this  a team of Special Police Task Force (STF)and Army personal carried out a search operation there.

When the forces arrived in there a group of armed extremists with around six members had opened fire towards forces and after two hours of battle forces able to  defeated them by killing some of the extremists .Later three explosions occurred in the house according to STF.

Search operations continue in the area.

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