Friday, April 26, 2019

Gun Shots Have Been Exchanged Between Security Forces And An Armed Group In Kalmunai

Gun shots  have been exchanged
between Security forces and an armed group at Saidumaradu in Kalmunai (Eastern Province)this evening during a search operation carried out in the area by forces (26) according to Police Media Spokesman's Office.

Gun shots have been exchanged between an armed group of around six members and Special Police Task Force Personal(STF) near Jumma Mosque at Kalmunai it has been reported.

The forces personal who had been involved in a search operation in the area heard an explosion near the mosque and when they went that area an armed group fired gun shots towards them it has been revealed. Gun shots have been exchanged around two hour period and the forces have recovered a store equipped with explosives and materials used to produce explosives in the area according to Police Media Spokesman's office.

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