Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kokkadicholai Police OIC Had Been Arrested Whilst Accepting A Bribe

Bribery Commission officials have
today (30)arrested the OIC of Kokkadocholai Police Station (Batticaloa District )whilst accepting Rs.25,000 as a bribe from a Tipper Truck  owner for not taking an action against him over transporting sand from.a Tipper Truck illegally, at OIC'office in Kokkadocholai.

The Tipper Truck owner was arrested over transporting sand without obtaining a valid licence recently by the Kokkadocholai Police .

For not taking any action against the suspect OIC had requested Rs.30,000 as a bribe  and whilst accepting Rs.25,000 out of it arrested by Bribery Commission officials.

A legal action is due to be taken against the OIC

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