Sunday, April 15, 2018

Prime Minister Had Cut The World's Longest Potatoe Cake In Nuwara -Eliya

Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe
had cut the world"s longest Potatoe Cake which is 111 meters long made by a 50 chefs  of the Grand  Tourist Hotel in Nuwara -Eliya led by it's executive chef Viraj Jayaratne.

Prime Minister had cut the cake weighing 380 Kilo Grammes from a sword it has been reported.

The cake named as Chocolate Potatoe cake was made by using 75 kilo grammes of Potatoes,25 Kilo Grammes of Potatoe powder ,70 Kilo Grammes of Sugar,40 Kilo grammes of Chocolate and 900 eggs it has been revealed. Rs.380,000 had spent to made the Cake.

Prime Minister who is in Nuwara Eliya had praised the makers of the cake and said that  creations like this will help to promote local products internationally.

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