Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Officials Had Begun Investigations On The Two Large Size Foot Prints Recovered From A Reserve Near Sripada

Image result for new foot prints in gardimore estate maskeliya
Officials of the Archeology Department had today (23) begun an investigations over the rock recovered with two large size right and left foot prints on it last Saturday(20).

The Officials had arrived  in the reserve of Gardimore Estate in Maskeliya area where the Rock is being located and recorded statements from the group of Estate Workers who were first recovered the rock near :Sripada" .

After the rock had been recovered Estate workers in the area are being worshiped the foot prints and a large number of people are being arrived in the Estate to view the rock it has been reported.

Although two large size foot prints around one and half feet long are there on the rock only the right foot print is clearly visible and the left foot print was deleted according to the officials.

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