Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Image result for gas problem symptomsGas is a normal, yet often uncomfortable, part of the digestive process. It's a by-product of many of the foods we eat.

But sometimes the same bloating and pain can be symptoms of a health condition, in which case a doctor's visit is in order. Usually other signs will indicate when stomach gas isn’t to blame.
Is It Just Intestinal Gas?

Keep in mind that some people pass gas more than 20 times a day, and that’s considered normal, so what you may think is excessive gas may be a rather ordinary amount. Keeping and reviewing a diet journal could easily help you identify the source of the problem as one of the many gas-producing foods. Here are some simple ways to tell if intestinal gas is behind your bloating and discomfort:
  • You feel the urge to pass gas
  • You get relief from the bloating and pain when you pass gas.
  • Your pain and bloating don't persist or worsen.
  • Excessive gas and bloating get better when you make changes to your diet, like eliminating dairy, cutting back on fiber, or limiting high-fat foods.
  • Pain and bloating improve when you swallow less air, which is what happens when, for example, you chew gum or eat too quickly.
What Else Could It Be?
Although not usually a sign of serious illness, excessive gas can be a warning sign of an underlying medical issue. Excessive gas could be a sign of an abnormality with your digestive system, for example. Also, what you think are gas pains could actually be any one of a number of health problems.
Here are just a few possible causes of abdominal pain and bloating:
In most of these cases, you will notice symptoms other than just gas and bloating. For instance, in the case of appendicitis, there will most likely be changes to your abdomen, including stiffness and extreme tenderness. Gas pain doesn't make your belly sensitive to the touch, so if you notice extreme pain, always seek medical advice.
If your pain, bloating, and excessive gas problems are persistent, take steps to find out the cause.

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