Thursday, March 28, 2024

Baltimore Port Closure May Hit US Coal Export Volumes



සැබෑ ආදරය හා මවාපාන ආදරය අතර පැහැදිලි වෙනසක් තිබේ.සැබැ ආදරය කුමන බාධකයක් හමුවේ වුව සිය ආදරණීයයා හැර නොයන අතර ත්ම  ආදරය වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටිමින් ඕනෑම කැපවීමක් සිදු කරයි.එහෙත් මවාපාන ආදරය තුළ ඇත්තේ මමත්වය පමණකි(උපුටා ගැනිමකි)

තම හිතවතුන් අතර මෙන්ම  නෑදෑයන් අතරද තම ප්‍රතිපත්තින් පාවා දෙමින් වැරදි කරන /අපරාධ කරන පිරිස් හා අත් වැල් බැදගන්නා සිය,ආත්මයම  ගණිකා,සේවයේ යොදවන නපුංසක පුද්ගලයන් සිටී.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)

Galagodaatte Thero Was Sentenced To Four Year Imprisonment

 The Colombo High Court has today(28) sentenced  the General Secretary of BoduBala Sena Group Venerable Galagodaatte Gnanasara  Thero to four years of rigorous imprisonment over the defamatory comments made by him against  islam religion in 2016.

Accordingly Colombo High Court Judge Aditya Patabandige had sentenced Galagodaaate Thero a four year rigorous imprisonment and imposing him a,fine of Rs.100,000.

A Tribute To Romantic Singer Late Chandrakumar Kandanarachchi


Four Students Were Drowned At Ma Oya

 Four students were drowned whilst bathing   in Ma Oya at walakumburaAlawwa area yesterday27) it has been reported.Another student who was drowned had been rescued and   hospitalized in critical  condition according to Police.

The deceased were attached to a School  in Polgahawela area according to reports.

Special Commodity Levy Imposed On Rice And Anions Reduced

Government has reduced the Special Commodity levy imposed on Imported Bombay anions and rice  with effect from yesterday(27)  it has been announced.

Accordingly Government

reduced the special commodity levy  of Rs.65 per Kilo gramme imposed on  rice to Rs.1 until 03rd of April and slashed the special commodity levy  imposed on Imported anions to Rs.10 per Kilo gramme until  30 th of April.These reductions of special commodity levy has been done under the instructions of President Ranil Wikramasinghe according to the Government

A Sudden Fire Erupted In A Tyre Shop At Armour Street

A sudden fire has broken out at a tyre shop near Armour street in Grandpass this evening (29) causing severe traffic congestion in the area.

Colombo Municipal council had deployed five fire engines to douse the fire .Due to the fire the traffic along Armour street has been restricted to one lane towards.Thr Cause of the fire has not yet been revealed.