The Ministry Of Education and Principle of Trinity Collage -Kandy have signed an agreement this morning regarding the admission of HIV/AIDS rumored Six year old Kuliyapitiya Child to the Trinity Collage.
Accommodation for the child in question and his mother will be provided in Kandy according to the Ministry Of Education.
The above mentioned Six Year old Child has been refused to getting admitted to schools in Kuliaypitiya(In North Western Province) over rumors that his father and mother as well as the child himself infected with HIV/AIDS virus.
However doctors attached to the National Sexually Transmitted Diseases/AIDS Control Programme have assured that the child and his mother are not infected with the virus which the parents of the school children in Kuliyapitiya and some education officials in the area refused to accept.
Accommodation for the child in question and his mother will be provided in Kandy according to the Ministry Of Education.
The above mentioned Six Year old Child has been refused to getting admitted to schools in Kuliaypitiya(In North Western Province) over rumors that his father and mother as well as the child himself infected with HIV/AIDS virus.
However doctors attached to the National Sexually Transmitted Diseases/AIDS Control Programme have assured that the child and his mother are not infected with the virus which the parents of the school children in Kuliyapitiya and some education officials in the area refused to accept.