Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Acquiring Under Performing Enterprises And Under Utilized Assets Bill Was Passed With Majority Votes

The revival of under performing enterprises and under utilized assets bill was passed in Parliament today (09) with majority of 76 votes.The act will reviewing to acquire   37 state enterprises which are under performing at present to the government.

The bill which was presented to the parliament yesterday (08) by Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne was taken up for debate today and during the voting122 MP's voted for the bill and 46 voted against it.

The supreme court too given a verdict regarding the bill stating that the revival of under performing enterprises and under utilized assets bill is consistent with the constitution.When the bill was taken for debate today the speeker chamal rajapaksha adjourned the parliamentary session for half an hour when the opposition raised objection to the proposed bill.

The main opposition UNP is in the view that the logic behind the acquiring of under performing state enterprises and under utilized assets to the state is non other then bankrupt those enterprises and assets further.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Doctor Thief Again Mislead The Health Ministry Officials

A Foreign Medical Graduate Doctor attached to the Ministry Of Health has been reported as taking six months no pay leave to go abroad by misleading the Ministry Officials and without leaving the country he is currently working at a housing construction industry situated in Colombo suburbs.

The above Doctor who is working at the Ministry since year 2007 has been reported as got the no pay leave a month ago but stubbronely using the leave to involve in another money making industry of his.He is still not received the complete registration of Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) but attached to the Minsitry's planning unit due to a favouritsm of a higher official attached to the Ministry.

Even the said doctor went abroad several times in previous occassions as well but those occasions too he didn't got accepted duty leave from the Ministry but able to received full payment for the period he was absent according to the reliable sources .Due to the compalints received against this Doctor even the Special Investigations Unit of the Ministry had nabbed him three occassions but the higher official who has supported him not only saved him but also ordered to stop investigations carried against him.

The Employees of the Health Ministry are in view that an action need to be taken against this doctor who is providing bad example for other doctors as well through cheeting.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Amount Of Dengue Mosquito Larvae In Dengue Risk Zones Have Increased By 15 To 25 Folds During Last Nine Months

The Amount  of Dengue Mosquito Larvae in Dengue Risk Zones of the Country are  increased by 15 to 20 folds during the period of February to November this year according to Health Services Entomology Assistant Officers Union .The union has said that some Zones including the MOH areas of Kaduwela,Kolonawa,Maharagama in Colombo District and Mahanuwara and Gampaha MOH areas the Mosquito Larvae are nearing 25 of the Breabau Index which measured the Dengue Mosquito Larvae while in other areas the Index is at 20.

The normal rate of the Dengue Mosquito Larvae is less than 5 in the Index but the Sri Lankan standard is higher than that according to the spokesman of Health Services Entomology Assistant Officers Union.

The increasing number  of Dengue Mosquito Larvae caused due to the disposed Yoghurt/Ice Cream Plastic Cups,Polythene,Disposed or uncovered Tires exposed in to the environment  in those areas which are prone to breading of Mosquito  Larvae he stressed.If the authorities are not taken any action to launch a regular Dengue Mosquito Control Programmes throughout the Island soon  the amount of Dengue Mosquito Larvae will increase further during the next monsoon rain scheduled during December -January period the spokesman has  further added.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Health Minsitry To Re Introduce The Price Control Mechanism To Pharmceutical Drugs

The Health Ministry has today (06) announced that a Price Control Mechanism to control the ever rising prices of Pharmaceutical Drugs in the country is to be implemented with effect from first quarter of Next year.A similar Price Control Mechanism was implemented few years back till the year 2002 and later it was removed through a special gazette notification.

As the Drug Retailers are able to set up the Drug Prices according to their preference the gazette notification regarding of Price Control on Pharmaceutical Drugs is to be reprinted to implement the price control mechanism the Ministry has stated.However the Ministry it self failed to implement several decisions which they said to be implement soon to benefit patients like banning the sending of blood and urine tests of Government Hospitals to the Private Hospitals.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Colombo Public Health Department Flying Squad Caught 100 Unregistered Rice Pack Manufacturers

The Flying Squad of the Colombo Public Health Department nabbed around 100 unregistered Rice Pack Manufactureres who are selling Rice Packs within the Colombo City during this week the chief medical officer of Colombo Dr.Pradeep Kariyawasam has said.According to him they will be given two weeks time to getting their  registration in any of the MOH Offices in Colombo.

If those Rice Pack Manufactureres are not able to get their registration within the given period of time they will be barred from selling Rice Packs as well as  to be faced a legal action .

These Rice Pack Manufacturers however applied for the Registration for their product but failed to obtain registration Dr.Kariyawasam has said.The Colombo Public Health Department has only allowed to sell Rice Packs which are registered at the Department and already given registration to 315 Rice Pack Manufacturers.

Those who have received registration should carry the packing time of Rice Packs ,the Official Seal issued to them carrying the manufacturer's name,Address and contact details. Rice Packs should be issued to consumers within 4 hours after packing and it should begin to sell around 10 a.m and should end selling them around 2 p.m Dr.Kariyawasam has stressed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Health Education Bureau Has Launched A Health Information Web Site "Suwasariya"

The pioneer institute which promotes the health education in Sri Lanka The Health Education Bureau has launched their new Web Site "Suwasariya" (Health Net) and the Communication Center on last Wednesday (02) contains information on Diseases and other health related issues of the country.Around 125 Doctors including specialists are voluntarily involved in the work of this web site where people can get Health Information from three languages Sinhalese,Tamil and English through E Mail,Skype,SMS,Phone and Chat Room facilities available in that  Web Site.

According to the designers of this "Suwasariya" Web Site The Health Education Bureau ,people can access to the site in any time and get the information they are required  and those who are not having internet facilities can call to the number +94 710 107 107 and get the information they need through a Doctor attached to the Communication Center there.

The Web Address of the "Suwasariya" Web Site is

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Professions Supplementary To Medicine Demands 100% Salary Increase From The Budget

The Five professions belongs to Professions Supplementary To Medicine (PSM) to day said that they will with draw from night duty of all the Government Hospitals from 15th of this month if the authorities did not take any action to grant them On Call and Telephone allowances with immediate effect.

If the Health Secretary is not respond positively to their demand during the discussion to be held with him on 11th of this month the professions will stopped performing night duty in Government Hospitals from 15th according to the President of the Joint Council Of Professions Supplementary To Medicine (JCPSM) Mr.Harendra Kuruppu.

Addressing a Press Briefing held in Colombo today Mr.Kuruppu has said that the five Professions Supplementary To Medicine "The Pharmacists",Medical Laboratory Technologists.(MLT),Radiographers,Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapist should have given 100% salary increase through this year's budget proposals.

This years Budget Proposals are due to presented to the Parliament on 21st of November.