Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Motorcyclist Was Killed After Colliding With A Tree

 A Motorcyclist  was killed after colliding  with a cotton tree which fell as a result of the heavy showers and strong winds this morning (23) according to the Hanwella,Police.

The deceased who is a resident of  Wagairidapola area in Hanwella  had faced this incident when he is on the way to collect fuel for the electric generator attached to a Wesak alms giving center (Dansala)  in the area the Police have stated.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Small Lorry Toppled Over To A,Precipice

A small Lorry travelled  under a severe fog  had veered  off the road and toppled over to a precipice  over 1000 feet deep at Blackwood area between haputale-Beragala area on  Colombo-Badulla main road yestwrdat (22) according to the Haputale Police..

A lorry transported cement blocks from Haputale to Balangoda had met with this accident according to reports.The lorry was veered off the road when attempting to allow another vehicle to pass over the Police have stated


Sunday, May 19, 2024

No Signs Of Life At Crash Site Of Helicopter Carrying Iranian President




තේරුම් ගැනීමෙන් ඇති වන ආදරය දුටු පමණින් ඇති වන ආදරයට වඩා ශක්තිමත් වන අතර ජීවිත කාලය පුරා පවතී.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)

ඇතැමුන් අන්‍යයන් අනුකරණය කිරිමට යාමෙන් අමාරුවේ වැටීම යනු ඔවුන්ගේ මෝඩ කම ඔප්පු කර පෙන්වීමකි.තමන්ට නොමැති අධ්‍යාපන  සුදුසුකම් මුදලට හෝ මිලදී ගෙන මං පොර මානසිකත්වයෙන් කටයුතු කරන එවන් නිවට මිනිසුන්/ගැහැණුන්ගෙන් සමාජය පිරී පවතී.(උපුටා ගැණිනි)

Sri Lanka Commemorated National War Heroes Day


Flood Warnings Issued For Residents Living Near Major Rivers

 Due to the heavy showers pevailing in The department of Irrigation has issued flood warnings for the residents living near Attanagalu Oya ,Kalu,Kelani,Gin and Benthara Rivers and Ma Oya(River) .

Meanwhile authorities have advised 

the Motorists to avoid parking their vehicles under trees these days due to the current weather.

Met Department Requested Fishing Community To Avoid Going To Sea Areas Due To Heavy Showers /Winds

 The Department  Of Meteorology has issued an advisory to the Naval and fishing communities  requesting  them to avoid going to  sea areas  until further notice due to the strong winds accomopanied by  heavy showers prevailing in these days.

Strong winds along with heavy showers are being experienced over the sea areas  around South western sea of Bay of Bengal and South Eastern Arabian sea areas according to the Met Department.As a result Heavy showers of more than 150.mili meters  will be experienced in Western  and North Western provinces the Department has stated