Wednesday, September 8, 2021

185 Corona Deaths Had Been Reported Today (08)

 Another 185 Corona deaths had been reported in the island today (08) increasing the total number of Corona deaths that had been reported so far to 10.689 according to Director General Of Health Services (DGHS) .

Accordingly 122 males and 63 females had died due to Corona infection DGHS has stated ,

Out of the deceased  140 were over 60 years of age and 44 were belonged to the age group 30-60 years it has been revealed ,One of the deceased was under 30 years of age  it has been revealed .

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Indian Authorities race to contain deadly Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala State

Taliban announce new government for Afghanistan 

වටිනාකමක් දිය හැකි බැඳීම් අල්පය

 ඕනෑම අයෙකුට   බැඳීමක් ඇති කරගත හැකි වුවද කුමන බාධකයක් මධ්‍යයයේ වුවද  බැඳීමක් දිගටම පවත්වාගෙන යා හැක්කේ අහලොස්සකට පමණි එම අතලොස්සෙන්ද  එකිනෙකාට හිමි නිසි ගෞරවය ,ආදරය ,සෙනෙහස ලබා දිය හැකි බැඳීම් ඇත්තේ අල්ප ප්‍රමාණයකි ,උඩඟුකම ,පුහු මාන්නය හා මමත්වය බොහෝ දෙනාගේ බැඳීම් විනාශ කිරීමට හේතු වන අතර සරල දිවි පෙවෙතකට හුරු වූ අය සිය බැඳීම් වලට නිසි වටිනාකමක් ලබා දෙමින් එය පවත්වාගෙන යයි ,(අන්තර්ජාලයෙන් උපුටා ගැනීනි  )

Senior Physician Dr Ananada Wwijewikrame Had Resigned From The Covid Technical Committee

 Senior Physician attached to  Institute of National Communicable Diseases  (Fever Hospital )  IDH Dr Ananda Wijewikrama has resigned from  the  Covid Technical Committee yesterday (06) it has been reveale

Dr Wwijewikrama who was the former president of  Sri Lanka Collage of Physicians  as well had resigned from the Committee opposing some decisions taken by the Health officials regarding vaccination aprogramme .and corona control activities of Sri Lanka without the knowledge of the Committee

Meanwhile Deputy Director General Of Health Services Dr Hemantha Herath has stated that any member can resigned from a committee attached to the Health Ministry and its a normal thing ,, .

2960 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (07)

A total of 2960 Corona positives had been reported today (07) ,Increasing the total number of  Corona positives reported so far to 471,863 according to Epidemiology Unit ,

However only 11.403 PCR Tests and 3017 Rapid Antigen tests had been performed in the country yesterday (06) 



Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.