Saturday, August 21, 2021

Another 198 Corona Deaths Had Been Reported Today (21)

 Another 198 Corona deaths had been reported today (21) in the country ,Increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 7183 according to the Director General Of Health Services ,

Accordingly 117 males and 81 females had died due to Corona infection ,Out of the deceased 154 were over 60 years of age  and 44 were belonged to the age group 30-60 it has been revealed ,

Cat Friends


Friday, August 20, 2021

3835 Corona Poitives Had Been Reported Today (20)

 a Total of 3835 Corona positives had been reported in the country today (20) ,increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 381,812 according to Director General of Health Services ,

At  the moment 54,212 Corona positives are  being treated at Government hospitals .

India approves world's first DNA Covid vaccine 

තම ආදරණීයයන් වෙනුවෙන් සිය කාලය නොමසුරුව වෙන් කරණුයේ අතළොස්සකි

 සමාජයේ බොහෝ දෙනා  කුළල් කාගනිමින් විවේචනය කරමින්  ,නැති දෑ මවා පාමින්  එකිනෙකා  අභිබවා යාමට තැත් කරනුයේ ඔවුන් සදාකාලිකවම මෙලොව ජීවත් වන බවට ඇති අඳ   විශ්වාසයෙනි . ,එවැනි අඳ බාලයන් සිය බාල සිහින සැබෑ කරගැනීමට අනෙක් අය පහතට ඇද දමද්දී තමන්ගේ සිත් ගත් ආදරය ,,බැඳීම් තම සැබෑ වත්කම් ලෙස සළකමින් දිවිය පුරාම  එය රැක ගැනීමට  උත්සාහ දරණ අතළොස්සක්ද සිටි ,ඔවුන්ට සිය දිවිය තුළ අවැසි වනුයේ ලැබෙන සුළු විරාමයත්  එකිනෙකා වෙනුවෙන් කැප කිරීමටය ,එවැනි බැඳීම්  මිල කළ නොහැකි ආත්මීය බැඳීම් වේ  -(උපුටා ගැණිනි )

195 Corona Deaths Were Reported Today (20)

 Another 195 Corona deaths had been reported in the island today (20) increasing the total number of Corona deaths' reported so far to  6985 according to Director General Of Health Services .Accordingly 98 males and 97 females had  died due to Corona infection today


Out of the deceased 151 were of the ages over 60 years it has been revealed ,Their were 43 persons who were of the ages 30-60 years and 01  person under 30 years old among the deceased corona positives ,

Government Has Imposed A 10 Day Island wide Quarantine Curfew From Today

 Government has today (20) decided to impose an Island wide 10 day quarantine Curfew from 10 p.m today (20) until 4 a.m on 30th of August to curb the spreading of "Delta Variant in the country .This decision has been taken during the Covid Control Committee meeting held today


Accordingly essential services ,Agriculture ,Pharmacies ,Fuel stations ,Medical centers as well as road development activities and apparel sector   will be functioned normally during the quarantine curfew it has been stated ,