Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A Garment Factory At Panadura Had Been Closed After Nearly 100 Employees Tested Positive For Corona Virus

A Garment Factory in Panadura area (Colombo)has been closed down temporarily  after identifying nearly 100 Corona positives among it's employees according to sources .

All those employees at the Garment factory who had been tested positive for Corona virus were sent to Treatment centers for treatment anf other employees at the factory are being quarantined at boarding houses provided by the factory it has been revealed .

Authorities To Quarantine All Passamgers And Flight Crew Arriving From UK Today (22) For 28 Days

 Authorities have decided to quarantine those passamgers and flight crew scheduled to be arrived at Katunayake International  Airport today (22)from United kingdom ,for 14 days at hotels and another 14 days at home or a place they are staying as a precautionary measure the President's Media Unit has announced  

All the passamgers and flight crew scheduled to be arrived today from United Kingdom will undergo "PCR "Test on their arrival at the Katunayake Airport the unit has stated .

A special attention will be paid for these passamgers as a new variant of Corona virus is currently spreading rapidly in several cities of United  kingdom including london it has  been revealed .

Sri Lanka To Ban All Flights From UK With Effect From Tomorrow (23)

 Sri Lanka has decided to ban all flights from United Kingdom  to this country temporarily  with effect from 2 a.m tomorrow (23) to prevent the spreading of new variant of Corina virus currently spreading in London and several cities in United Kingdom ,here according to the Civil Aviation Authority .

This step had been taken as a precautionary measure the Authority has announced .

Sri Lankan Airlines is not operating any flight from United Kingdom at present it has been revealed .

427 Corona Positives Reported Today (22) And 364 Positives Reported Yesterday (21)

 A total of 364 Corona positives had been reported yesterday (21) and 427 positives reported today (22) in the country according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly all these positives were contacts of previous Corona positives  belonging to Minuwangoda ,Paliyagoda and Prisons Corona clusters the unit has stated .

Up to now 38,059 Corona positives had been reported in the country .

At the moment 8576 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals and treatment centers .

Monday, December 21, 2020

Five Corona Deaths Reported Yesterday (21)

 Another 05 Corona deaths had been reported yesterday(21) In the country ,increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 181 according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly five Corona infected persons comprising of four males and a female resided in Welikada prison ,Colombo -15, Darga town ,Maggona ,Colombo -10 of the ages 68,55,77,63 and 83 years had died yesterday due to the complications of non communicable diseases they have suffered with as a result of the infection .

One of the deceased was a prison inmate at Welikada prison .Out of the five Corona deaths reported yesterday ,two had been occurred at home and other  three occurred at hospitals it had been reported .

India halts UK flights amid new virus strain fears


අවංකබව මිල කළ නොහැකි ආභරණයකි .

  දහදිය මහන්සියෙන් ඉපයූ මුදලින් ඉගෙන ගැනීම හා අවංකව වෘත්තියක නිරත වීම යනු

සමාජයේ ඉහලම වටිනාකමක් හිමි විය යුතු මිල කළ නොහැකි වූ ක්‍රියාවන්ය ,අන්‍යන්ගෙන් සොරාගත් මුදලින් යැපීම හා එම මුදලින් ඉගෙන ගැනීම යනු බාලයන්ගේ බාල ක්‍රියාවක් බව අමුතුවෙන් කිව යුතු නොවේ ,අද බොහෝ  පිරිස් හුරුපුරුදු වී ඇත්තේ සොරාගත් මුදලින් තම කාර්යයන් ඉටු කරගැනීමයි ,එවැනි ව්ෂඝෝර සර්පයන් එදා බුදුන් දවසද මෙලොව සිටි අතර දැනුදු සිටින බව අමතක නොකළ යුතුය .බුදු දහමට අනුව නම් අපට ප්‍රාර්ථනා කළ හැක්කේ එම විෂඝෝර සර්ප ගතිගුණ ඇති පිරිස් එම තත්ත්වයෙන් මිදේවා යන්නය ,

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.