Colombo Chief Magistrate Lanka
Jayaratne has yesterday (09)remanded the Former Inspector General Of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara and Former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando until 23 rd of October over neglecting their duties during Easter Sunday bomb attacks on 21 st of April .
Colombo Chief Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne has remanded the two suspects according to the order given by Colombo High Court Judge Vikum Kaluarachchi last morning .
High Court Judge had stated that Chief Magistrare Lanka Jayaratne had overstepped her jurisdiction by granting bail on 09 th of June to Former IGP And Defense Secretary who were arrested on the orders of President who is also the Defense Minister over Easter sunday attacks .
Chief Magistrate has granted bail for the two suspects by taking in to account certain documents related to ongoing investigstions on Easter sunday attacks High Court Judge had stated aftet the Attorney At laws representing Attorney General Dappula de livera had argued before Judge Kaluarachchi that there were certain legal errors of the Chief magistrate Lanka Jayaratne's judgment to gramt bail for the two suspects .
Jayaratne has yesterday (09)remanded the Former Inspector General Of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara and Former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando until 23 rd of October over neglecting their duties during Easter Sunday bomb attacks on 21 st of April .
Colombo Chief Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne has remanded the two suspects according to the order given by Colombo High Court Judge Vikum Kaluarachchi last morning .
High Court Judge had stated that Chief Magistrare Lanka Jayaratne had overstepped her jurisdiction by granting bail on 09 th of June to Former IGP And Defense Secretary who were arrested on the orders of President who is also the Defense Minister over Easter sunday attacks .
Chief Magistrate has granted bail for the two suspects by taking in to account certain documents related to ongoing investigstions on Easter sunday attacks High Court Judge had stated aftet the Attorney At laws representing Attorney General Dappula de livera had argued before Judge Kaluarachchi that there were certain legal errors of the Chief magistrate Lanka Jayaratne's judgment to gramt bail for the two suspects .
Attorney Ceneral's representatives had requested the Colombo High Court Judge to dismiss the judgment granting bail to the suspects .After considering the request Judge Kaluarachchi had ordered Chief Magistrate to remand the former IGP who is in compulsory leave and Former Defense Secretary over the Easter sunday atracks .