Monday, July 22, 2019

A Spill Gate Of Upper Kotmale Reservoir Had Been Opened Due To Rising Water Level

A spill gate of the upper Kotmale Reservoir had been opened yesterday  (22)as a result of the  rising water level of  the Reservoir.

Due to this water level of the Sinclair water fall located at the down streem of the Upper Kotmale reservoir had increased according to reports .

Water levels of several reservoirs in the Central hills are on the increase as a result of the heavy showers prevailing in the hydrocatchment areas. 


CID Complaint To The Judicial Services Commission To Inquire On Kurunagala Magistrate 's Actions On Dr.Safi s Case

Criminal Investigations Department 
(CID )has yesterday (22)made a complaint to the Judicial Services Commission requesting to probe on the actions of Kurunagala Magistrate who had stopped HSG tests which performs to check whether a sterilization has done for females who made complaints against Dr.Safi over illegal sterilization .

In the complaint CID has stated that although it submitted 210 page detailed report to the court  regarding the case against Dr.Safi attached to Kurunagala Teaching Hospital on 27th of June ,Kurunagala Magistrate has ordered to stop the above HSG  test after consulting the director of Kurunagala Teaching Hospital who is not a gynaecologist and not related to the case.

Supreme Court Postponed The Hearing Of Fundemantal Rights Petition Filed By Dr.SaFi Against His Arrest

Three member Judge Panel of the
Supreme Court met today (22) has decided to postpone the hearing of the fundamental Rights petition filed by Dr.Seigu Siyabdeen Mohommad Safi attached to Kurunagala Teaching Hospital against his illegal arrest over the charges of illegal sterilization .

The Three member Supreme Court Judge panel comprising of Judges Buwaneka Aluwihare,Preethi Padman Surasena and E T.B .E mbuldeniya had decided to postpone  the hearing of the petition as the Attorney General Dappula De Livera  has  informed the Court that he  needs  more time to get advise on the petition .The Deputy solicitor General Thusith Mudalige appeared behalf of the Attorney General Had also requested the court to re  issue summons  for  the respondents of the Dr.Safi's petition as they were not served   them properly .

Therefore the Three member Judge panel has decided to postpone the hearing of the petition until 06th of August and requested the Deputy solicitor General appeared behalf of  the Attorney General   to re issue summons to the respondents  .

Attorney General. ,Defense Secretary, Criminal Investigations Department are among the respondents named by the petitioner of the petition.

School Children To Receive Liquid Milk Pack Each Daily From Tomorrow (23)

A national programme to innaugurate
the providing of 150 Mili Liter liquid milk packet each for around 400,000 school children of the  year one to.year five,  is scheduled to be held  at Kajugaswatta ,Shasthrodaya Collage in Katawana, Ratnapura tomorrow  (23).

Government has allocated Rs.1000 million to provide this non flavoured Liquid Milk packets for the children in above group annully it has been revealed .This National programme is entitled As "A nation enriched with Milk "and it  aims  to reduce the Malnutrition among School children, To create a healthier market for the local dairy industry, To minimise the annual expenditure  around US Dollars 380.million spending  to import milk powder ,encourage people more and more to consume liquid milk and to increase the local dairy production by the year 2025 it Has been revealed .

Presidential Secretariet alomg with Grama Shakthi People's movement are implementing this programme with the assistance of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Vetinary Resources .

Veteran Popular Radio Announcer /Lyricist And Dubbing Artist Kusum Pieris Has Passed Away

kusum pieris slbc සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Veteran Popular Multitalented Artist Kusum Pieris has passed away at the age of 71 years last night (21).She penned many  popular hit  songs during her career  including sithuwili sirawee,ASuru sanin ,Gan iwire, Hitha gawa danga kala and Sihinayaki oba .

She joined Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) then known as Radio Ceylon in 1972.Her funeral is scheduled to be taken place in Kaduwela this Wednesday(24) evening . "May she attain Supreme bliss of nibbana".