Monday, July 22, 2019

School Children To Receive Liquid Milk Pack Each Daily From Tomorrow (23)

A national programme to innaugurate
the providing of 150 Mili Liter liquid milk packet each for around 400,000 school children of the  year one to.year five,  is scheduled to be held  at Kajugaswatta ,Shasthrodaya Collage in Katawana, Ratnapura tomorrow  (23).

Government has allocated Rs.1000 million to provide this non flavoured Liquid Milk packets for the children in above group annully it has been revealed .This National programme is entitled As "A nation enriched with Milk "and it  aims  to reduce the Malnutrition among School children, To create a healthier market for the local dairy industry, To minimise the annual expenditure  around US Dollars 380.million spending  to import milk powder ,encourage people more and more to consume liquid milk and to increase the local dairy production by the year 2025 it Has been revealed .

Presidential Secretariet alomg with Grama Shakthi People's movement are implementing this programme with the assistance of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Vetinary Resources .

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