Thursday, September 27, 2018


Two Persons Have Been Injured Due To A Collision Of Five Vehicles

Two persons have been injured and
hospitalized due to a collision of Five vehicles including Two cars ,Two Three Wheelers and a Motor Cycle Infront of Dakshinapaya at Labuduwa on Mapalagama main road this noon (27).

The injured who were travelling in one of the Three Wheelers have been admitted to Karapitiya Teaching Hospital for treatment.

The incident occurred when a Maruti Car travelling towards Galle has colliding with a Three Wheeler arrived in from front and collided with another Three Wheeler, A car and a Motorcycle it has been revealed.

The incident occurred as the driver had fallen a sleep while at the wheel according to Akmeemana Police. 

A Businessman Was Arrested With Ten Gold Rings At The Airport

Airport Customs officers have today
(27)arrested a 44 year old Sri Lankan Businessman while attempting to  smuggle ten Gold Rings illegally  to the country at Katunayake ,Bandaranaike International Airport .

The suspect who had arrived in from Singapore is a resident of Kotikawatte area .

The estimated value of the Ten Gold rings taken in to custody in possession of the suspect is around Rs.1.8 million it has been revealed.

Three Youth Arrested Over Posing For And Taking Half Naked Photos At Pidurangala Rock Have Been Remanded

Three youth Arrested yesterday (26) by
the Sigiriya Police  over posing for and taking half naked photographs at Historical Pidurangala rock in Sigiriya had been remanded until 03 Rd of October by the Dambulla Magistrate Court today (27).

The three suspects including two 19 year olds residing in Galewela and one residing in Kurunagala have been produced  before the Dambulla District  court today .

Altogether five suspects have been arrested  over the incident and two were later released after giving evidence by saying they have been strictly opposed over taking half naked photographs at Pidurangala Rock.

The three remained suspects including two who had posed for the half naked photographs and one responsible for taking the photographs have been produced before the court today after recording their statements over the incident.

At the court Dambulla Magistrate Court has informed the Lawyer appeared behalf of the suspects  that the court has no power to grant bail for the suspects as the Case was filed against them under the Archeology Act when the lawyer had  requested bail for their clients .