A Police Team attached to the Special Investigations Unit of the Polonnaruwa Police have arrested a 28 year old person while tranporting 4.210 Grammes of Heroin in a Bus from Colombo to Kaduruwela ,While another 30 year old suspect involved in transporting of the haul of Heroin was injured and Hospitalized due to a gun shot accidentally fired from a gun belongs to a Police Officer yesterday(16)at Bandiwewa in Polonnaruwa.
The injured suspect who is a resident of Polonnaruwa was admitted to the Polonnaruwa Hospital under police protection for treatment.
The incident occurred when the Police Team stopped the Bus and taken into custody the Two suspects along with the haul of Heroin in tbeir possession .One suspect had attempted to flee from the bus and when the Police officers have attempted to stop him a firearm belongs to a Police officer was accidentally fired and injured the suspect it has been revealed.
The suspect who was arrested by the Police is a resident of Minneriya it has been revealed.