Tele and Stage Drama Actress Deepani Silva who was arrested by the Bandaragama Police this morning (28) over a road accident had been released on a surety bail of Rs.200,000 by the Panadura Magistrate Court after being produced her to the court this evening .
Although the Actress was granted bail by the Magistrate over injuring a 10 year old School Girl and her Father during collision between her Car and the Three Wheeler which the injured were traveled ,Her driving license was suspended by the Magistrate and the Actress has paid a sum of Rs.25,000 to the injured father as a treatment allowance and promised to pay another allowance for the treatment of the injured school girl and a fee for the maintenance work of the damaged Three wheeler before the magistrate it has been reported.
Actress Deepani Silva was arrested by the Bandaragama Police this morning over driving her Car by violating road rules and injuring a school girl and her father who were traveling in a Three Wheeler .The accident occurred due to a fault of the Actress who drove the vehicle in wrong direction while traveling to see her mother according to the Police.
Although the Actress was granted bail by the Magistrate over injuring a 10 year old School Girl and her Father during collision between her Car and the Three Wheeler which the injured were traveled ,Her driving license was suspended by the Magistrate and the Actress has paid a sum of Rs.25,000 to the injured father as a treatment allowance and promised to pay another allowance for the treatment of the injured school girl and a fee for the maintenance work of the damaged Three wheeler before the magistrate it has been reported.
Actress Deepani Silva was arrested by the Bandaragama Police this morning over driving her Car by violating road rules and injuring a school girl and her father who were traveling in a Three Wheeler .The accident occurred due to a fault of the Actress who drove the vehicle in wrong direction while traveling to see her mother according to the Police.