The Imprisoned Chief suspects of the Central Bank Bond Scam Arjun Aloysius and Kasun Palisena of Perpetual Treasuries Limited have been further remanded until 24 th of May by the Colombo Fort Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne today (10) after they have been produced before the court.
While hearing the case against the two suspects ,Colombo Fort Magistrate has also ordered the Chief executive officer of the Arrack liquor Company-Mendis Company to hand over a complete report on the money issued by Perpetual Treasuries to the Mendis Company.
Magistrate has also ordered the local income department to hand over the information provided by the perpetual treasuries on it's assets and income ,to the Inspector General Of Police(IGP).
While hearing the case against the two suspects ,Colombo Fort Magistrate has also ordered the Chief executive officer of the Arrack liquor Company-Mendis Company to hand over a complete report on the money issued by Perpetual Treasuries to the Mendis Company.
Magistrate has also ordered the local income department to hand over the information provided by the perpetual treasuries on it's assets and income ,to the Inspector General Of Police(IGP).