The five Police Officers who have arrested and remanded over the killing of two Students attached to Jaffna University had been further remanded until 18th of November by the Jaffna Magistrate today(04).
The suspected five Police Officers had been arrested on 21 st of October over a gun shooting incident occurred in previous night at the Police check point in Kokuvil,Kulappidy Junction,Jaffna which killed the two University Students.
Police Department has interdicted the five police officers afterwards.Criminal Investigations Division(CID) is conducting an investigation on the deaths of two Jaffna University Students.
The suspected five Police Officers had been arrested on 21 st of October over a gun shooting incident occurred in previous night at the Police check point in Kokuvil,Kulappidy Junction,Jaffna which killed the two University Students.
Police Department has interdicted the five police officers afterwards.Criminal Investigations Division(CID) is conducting an investigation on the deaths of two Jaffna University Students.