The body of the assassinated former Editor of Sunday Leader Newspaper Lasantha Wikramathunge is being exhumed this morning from his burial site at Borella Cemetery for a fresh autopsy.
The Mount Lavinia Magistrate Court has ordered the authorities to exhume the body of late Editor as per the request made by Criminal Investigations Department(CID) due to the certain contradictions existed between the Autopsy Report of Late Sunday Leader Editor.
Late Lasantha Wikramathunge had been assassinated while he was on his way to work in January 2009.
The Mount Lavinia Magistrate Court has ordered the authorities to exhume the body of late Editor as per the request made by Criminal Investigations Department(CID) due to the certain contradictions existed between the Autopsy Report of Late Sunday Leader Editor.
Late Lasantha Wikramathunge had been assassinated while he was on his way to work in January 2009.