Joint Opposition MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage who was arrested by the Criminal Investigations Department(CID) this morning over the money laundering charges has been remanded until 22nd of September by the Colombo Chief Magistrate this evening.
The MP has been remanded after he was produced before the Chief Magistrate.
MP Aluthgamage who was the Sports Minister of the previous government was arrested this morning after he arrived in CID Headquarters to give a statement regarding charges against him.
CID has today informed the Court that MP Aluthgamage had purchased a luxury house from Kynsey Road in Colombo-07 by spending Rs.27 million earned through unlawfully.
The MP has been remanded after he was produced before the Chief Magistrate.
MP Aluthgamage who was the Sports Minister of the previous government was arrested this morning after he arrived in CID Headquarters to give a statement regarding charges against him.
CID has today informed the Court that MP Aluthgamage had purchased a luxury house from Kynsey Road in Colombo-07 by spending Rs.27 million earned through unlawfully.