The Officer In Charge (OIC) of the Traffic Unit of the Laggala Police Station who was alleged as taken part in a social gathering the night before the firearms robbery at Laggala(In Central Province) Police Station to utilize Alcohol in Police Barracks has been interdicted with effect from today(05) .
According to the instructions of ASP in Matale N.Janaka Weerasinghe ,Sub Inspector (SI)Of Laggala Police Station Mahesh Pryanga has been interdicted in this connection it has been reported.
Five Revolvers and a T-56 Rifle were stolen from the Laggala Police Station on early morning of 14th of April by an individual while four police officers were in the duty at the Police Station at that time,
Three Police Officers who were in the duty at the time of the firearms robbery in Laggala Police Station had been interdicted recently.
The Robbed Firearms were later recovered from near a water tank in the premises of Sandagala Temple at Wellewela.
According to the instructions of ASP in Matale N.Janaka Weerasinghe ,Sub Inspector (SI)Of Laggala Police Station Mahesh Pryanga has been interdicted in this connection it has been reported.
Five Revolvers and a T-56 Rifle were stolen from the Laggala Police Station on early morning of 14th of April by an individual while four police officers were in the duty at the Police Station at that time,
Three Police Officers who were in the duty at the time of the firearms robbery in Laggala Police Station had been interdicted recently.
The Robbed Firearms were later recovered from near a water tank in the premises of Sandagala Temple at Wellewela.