The Police have detained the key suspect of the Rs.13.7 Billion worth stock of ready made garment robbery occurred in a Garment Factory at Hidogama in Anuradhapura District(In North Central Province).
The suspect was detained at Andiambalama Area it has been reported.
Police have found 15,774 Ladies Cloths in possession of the suspect who stolen these cloths from a Garment Factory on 02nd of April.
Hidogama Police are conducting further investigations to arrest another four suspects who involved in this robbery of ready made cloths it has been reported.
The suspect was detained at Andiambalama Area it has been reported.
Police have found 15,774 Ladies Cloths in possession of the suspect who stolen these cloths from a Garment Factory on 02nd of April.
Hidogama Police are conducting further investigations to arrest another four suspects who involved in this robbery of ready made cloths it has been reported.