The Four Suspects arrested and remanded last Saturday (30) over the alleged financial irregularities occurred at the Private T.V Channel Carlton Sports Network(CSN) ,including former President Mahinda Rajapakshe's second son Yoshitha Rjapaksha have refused the food provided them from the Prison it has been reported.
According to the Welikada Prison Authorities all the four suspects who are in a special security cell in Welikada Prison have requested the permission to get all three meals daily from their respective homes since yesterday(01).
The Prison Department has approved the request made by four suspects to get their meals from home the authorities have said.
According to the Welikada Prison Authorities all the four suspects who are in a special security cell in Welikada Prison have requested the permission to get all three meals daily from their respective homes since yesterday(01).
The Prison Department has approved the request made by four suspects to get their meals from home the authorities have said.