The Police Financial Crime Investigation Division has today(30) recorded statements from the second son of Former President Mahinda Rajapakshe,Yoshitha Rajapakshe and the Media Coordinating Secretary of Former President Rohan Weliwita regarding the link with Private T.V Channel Carlton Sports Network(CSN) and alleged financial irregularities occurred at the Channel respectively.
The statement from Former President's second son Yoshitha Rajapakshe who is attached to Sri Lanka Navy has been recorded at Navy Headquarters in Colombo by the Financial Crime Investigation Division Officials regarding his link to the CSN Channel.
Earlier in the day Financial Crime Investigation Division has recorded a statement from former president's Media Coordinating Secretary Rohan Weliwita regarding alleged financial irregularities occurred at the T.V Channel.
The statement from Former President's second son Yoshitha Rajapakshe who is attached to Sri Lanka Navy has been recorded at Navy Headquarters in Colombo by the Financial Crime Investigation Division Officials regarding his link to the CSN Channel.
Earlier in the day Financial Crime Investigation Division has recorded a statement from former president's Media Coordinating Secretary Rohan Weliwita regarding alleged financial irregularities occurred at the T.V Channel.