Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has agreed not to implement tax charges introduced through the 2016 Annual Budget on Cash Withdrawals between Rs.1 to 10 million and above Rs.10 million from Banks according to State Minister Dilan Perera.
Under to the Annual Budget-2016 ,2% Tax has been proposed to charge from Rs.1-10 Million Cash Withdrawals from Banks and 3% Tax for Cash Withdrawals above Rs.10 million.
Prime Minister has also agreed to allow Banks to continue providing leasing facilities to the Public which prohibited through the budget state minister has said.
Under to the Annual Budget-2016 ,2% Tax has been proposed to charge from Rs.1-10 Million Cash Withdrawals from Banks and 3% Tax for Cash Withdrawals above Rs.10 million.
Prime Minister has also agreed to allow Banks to continue providing leasing facilities to the Public which prohibited through the budget state minister has said.