A person with around Rs.66 Million worth Foreign Currency in his possession has been arrested by the Sri Lankan Customs Officers at Mattala International Air Port in Hambanthota(In Southern Province) this morning when he allegedly attempted to leave the country.
The 35 year old Suspect was arrested while he was prepared to board the flight to Dubai according to Customs Officers.
Around Ten Varieties Of Foreign Currency Notes including US Dollars,Euros,British Pounds,
Swiss Franks and Omani Riyals have been found in suspect's possession and Sri Lanka Customs Department is carrying out an Investigation on the incident.
The 35 year old Suspect was arrested while he was prepared to board the flight to Dubai according to Customs Officers.
Around Ten Varieties Of Foreign Currency Notes including US Dollars,Euros,British Pounds,
Swiss Franks and Omani Riyals have been found in suspect's possession and Sri Lanka Customs Department is carrying out an Investigation on the incident.